Date: Sun. Oct. 21st, 2018

Time: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m

Place: The hike departs from the Andy Lee Rec Field parking area, Woodstock, NY.

Join NYS DEC guides Glenn Kreisberg and Dave Holden to explore the mysterious stone constructions found in Lewis Hollow, including “great” cairns, cairn fields and effigies. Who built them, when and why? Dress for a fall hike in the woods. Wear sturdy shoes and bring lunch or snack and water. Hike departs from Andy Lee rec field 10 am and lasts approximately 4 hrs. Admission is free but donations are welcome.

Please call 845 417 8384 or 845 594 4863 for more info or to register. Donations are welcome but not required. OMC is a NYS registered 501 c3 non-profit educational organization.

Overlook Mountain Center