A New York State Non-Profit 501(C)3 Educational Corporation
Researching Archaeoastronomy and Landscape Archaeology in Northeast America and Beyond
Preserving and Protecting
Environment – Culture – Community
Enjoy a slide show of Overlook Mountain throughout the years and seasons
Identifying, documenting and protecting Native American Ceremonial Stone Landscapes (CSL) as Importnat Resources of Cultural Significance.
“Let the Landscape Speak” ~Doug Harris Dep. Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island (Retired) & OMC Board Member
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Since 2013 Overlook Mountain Center (OMC) has been creating and conducting educational, cultural and community building programming celebrating ceremonial stone landscapes (CSL) in our region, as exemplified by the Lewis Hollow Site on Overlook Mountain in Woodstock, NY. We now embark on a new phase of program and research development,
Overlook Mountain Center, partnering with tribal members of the United Southern and Eastern Tribes (USET), as well as other state and federally recognized tribes, including tribal historic preservation offices (THPO) and cultural resource managers (CRM), using local Indigenous knowledge, will endeavor to develop and conduct programming and research that promotes a better understanding of these special, spiritual places, in their proper cultural context and with the respect they deserve as priceless resources of cultural significance for all people.
We hope to support this endeavor through Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) established between United Southern and Eastern Tribes (USET) tribal participants and local authorities, i.e. town boards, historical societies, historic commissions, county planners and state regulators, such as the DEC and DEP.
Bringing some of these sites into public consciousness for the first time will build bridges of understanding and good will between peoples that have had strained, mistrustful relationships for far too long. We hope that through this effort that can now begin to change.
Please consider joining our cause and volunteering. We seek creative, resourceful, friendly, open minded people to help us fulfill our mission.
Contact OMC: 845-417-8384 | P.O. Box 1278, Woodstock, NY 12498
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Press Links associated with OMC
It’s been 10 years since Overlook Mountain Center (OMC) made news in its endeavor to preserve land in Lewis Hollow and provide cultural programming related to Overlook Mountain and its environs. OMC continues to make news
Follow links below to recent and past news articles and other media coverage
- Jan 2023 Chappaqua Public Library Lecture
- Oct 2022 Kaatscast Podcast on Investigating the Indigenous
- Oct. 2022 Scenic Hudson Connecting with Indigenous Ceremonial Stone Landscapes
- Sept. 2022 Warwick Chronicle Native stones: Forgotten history in plain sight
- Woodstock Times: Saving the Land, Preserving the Cairns
- Woodstock Times: Lewis Hollow land is ‘forever wild’
- Daily Freeman: Overlook Mountain group aims to buy, protect 82 acres in Woodstock
- CNN: Woodstock New York’s Main Streets as a Giant Cosmic Calendar and Compass
- Woodstock Times: The Cairns of Overlook
Resources and links that share a common mission with OMC:
- Catskill Interpretive Center
- Catskill Center for Conservation and Development
- Catskill Mountainkeeper
- Church on the Mount
- Karma Triyana Daharmachakra (KTD) Monastery
- NYS DEC Overlook Mountain Wilderness
- Town of Woodstock History
- Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild
- Woodstock School of Art
- New York Council for the Humanities
- Foundation Center
- New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA)
- Woodstock Trails
The OMC Store - A portion of your purchase is donated to help support Overlook Mountain Center
Purchase items related to the Overlook Mountain Center mission to educate about the environment, diverse culture and the concept of community
OMC Chairperson Glenn Kreisberg has recently published a book about his 10 year quest to understand the lithic constructions found in the backwoods of the northeast, including the Lewis Hollow site on Overlook Mountain. When you purchase a copy of Spirits in Stone from the OMC website, you receive a 10% discount PLUS 10% of the proceeds are donated to Overlook Mountain Center.
My new book, Spirits in Stone, will be out April 10th, from Bear & Co. In it I document over a decade of research into man-made stone constructions in the backwoods of the northeast, with a focus on the Catskill and Shawangunk mountains of New York. I examine the potential origins and purposes for a myriad of different types of old stone structures found on the land, including walls, cairns, perched boulders, effigies and more. I also examine important sites around the world for insights into ancient megalithic culture. In the northeast U.S., as elsewhere, the patterns revealed through the eye of landscape archaeology and archaeoastronomy speak to the sophisticated belief system of an ancient population that understood the complex movements of the night sky and integrated those beliefs into their lives and world view. I believe they accomplished this through the cultural practice of celestial observation, landscape manipulation and monument construction, as well their travels and contacts with peoples from other regions and parts of the world. This is controversial information, as generally for our region, this is not accepted to be true by conventional historians. I hope this book helps change that view.

Original 2013 Crowdsourcing Video
Contact OMC: 845-417-8384 | P.O. Box 1278, Woodstock, NY 12498
Administrator: Glenn Kreisberg
Created by: Shari Design Solutions | Copyright © 2018